===== Rustdesk - Remote Desktop Software=====
Rustdesk is a free open source self-hostable remote desktop software for Linux, MacOS, Windows and Android.
→ To their GitHub: [[https://github.com/rustdesk|github.com/rustdesk]]
→ Now also available on flathub: [[https://flathub.org/apps/com.rustdesk.RustDesk|flathub.com - com.rustdesk.RustDesk]]
==== Configure Rustdesk client for Linux from CLI ====
Sometime it might be necessary to edit the Rustdesk config from CLI, for example when switching between relay servers.
To do this proceed as following:
//(This tutorial was tested on a Systemd-based system)//
* Firstly stop the Rustdesk service
sudo systemctl stop rustdesk.service
* Then navigate to ''/root/.config/rustdesk/'', therefore change to ''root'':
su root
cd /root/.config/rustdesk
* There should be three files in this directory: ''RustDesk.toml'', ''RustDesk2.toml'' and ''RustDesk_hwcodec.toml''. Edit the second one:
nano RustDesk2.toml
* The content of this file should look like this:
rendezvous_server = ''
nat_type = 1
serial = 3
rendezvous-servers = 'rs-ny.rustdesk.com,rs-sg.rustdesk.com,rs-cn.rustdesk.com'
key = ''
custom-rendezvous-server = ''
local-ip-addr = ''
enable-audio = 'N'
relay-server = ''
audio-input = 'Monitor of Built-in Audio Analog Stereo'
* Now you can edit the ''rendevous-server-ip'', the '''' and the ''key''. Fill in the required values and exit.
* Then restart the server:
sudo systemctl start rustdesk.service