===== Zyzonix =====
Hello, my name is Zyzonix ;-). I'm a former student of Brecht Schule and currently working in the IT department of it.
As convinced Linux enthusiast I see it as my duty to maintain this wiki to give something back to the community.
My [[https://github.com/Zyzonix|GitHub]] can be found here: [[https://github.com/Zyzonix|github.com/zyzonix]]. Often I write some cool short scripts which aren't worth for a repository, therefore I created my virtual code 'attic', it can be found [[https://github.com/Zyzonix/attic|here]].
==== repo.zyzonix.net ====
I am also hosting a Debian repository under [[https://repo.zyzonix.net/|repo.zyzonix.net]] for several fun projects (Architectures: ''amd64'',''arm64'' and ''armhf''). Currently I am trying to bring proxmox back to the ARM64 architecture after the Pimox project on [[https://github.com/pimox|GitHub]] is some releases behind. Check out my repo to stay up to date.
You can add my repository with this commands (requires ''curl'' and ''gpg'' installed):
Add repository:
curl -sS https://repo.zyzonix.net/ReleaseKey.gpg | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/repo.zyzonix.net.gpg > /dev/null
echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/repo.zyzonix.net.gpg] https://repo.zyzonix.net/ stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/repo.zyzonix.net.list
==== Public Blockchain Nodes ====
Additionally I am running public blockchain nodes of [[https://chia.net/|Chia]] and forks of it, they can either be access through ''node.zyzonix.net'' or ''node.xerberos.de'':
^ Blockchain ^ Port (TCP) ^
| Chia Network | 8444 |
| HDDCoin Network | 28444 |
| STAI Network | 1999 |
| BPX V3 Network | 30303 / 6201 |
//The crossed-trough networks are currently not running.//
==== Pin list ====
Zyzonix's personal pinboard.
//[[https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/371593/the-different-uses-of-folders-in-the-root-directory|Different uses of the directories in Linux root directory]]//