===== Setup self hosted Chocolatey Repository/Proxy on Linux ===== To host a local repository for [[https://chocolatey.org|Chocolatey]] either as server for self-hosted packages or as proxy server for any NuGet server/the official chocolatey repository server we use Solartype Nexus3: [[https://www.sonatype.com/products/sonatype-nexus-repository|sonatype.com - Nexus3]]. Nexus3 is also useable for hosting a simple, easy-to-manage repository for the APT-package manager. ==== Installation ==== - Download Debian 12 Server from here: [[https://www.debian.org/distrib/|debian.org/distrib]] and install your machine. - Install Java 17: sudo apt install openjdk-17-jdk - Add user ''nexus'' to run Nexus3: adduser nexus - Download the latest Nexus3 from ''https://help.sonatype.com/en/download.html'' - Unpack it to ''/opt/'': tar xzvf .tar.gz -C /opt - Change owner of unpacked files: chown nexus -R /opt/nexus- - Make binary executeable: chmod +x /opt/nexus-/bin/nexus - Create systemservice with the name ''nexus.service'' and copy it to ''/etc/systemd/system'' (keep in mind to add the nexus version): [Unit] Description=nexus service After=network.target [Service] Type=forking Environment="NEXUS_SECRETS_KEY_FILE=/opt/sonatype-work/nexus3/keystores/nexus.secrets.json" LimitNPROC=65536 LimitNOFILE=65536 ExecStart=/opt/nexus-/bin/nexus start ExecStop=/opt/nexus-/bin/nexus stop User=nexus Restart=on-abort TimeoutSec=600 [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target cp nexus.service /etc/systemd/systemsystemctl start nexus.servicesystemctl enable nexus.service - When everything was successful, enter the webservice with ''http://:8081/'' - The password for ''admin'' is located under ''/opt/sonatype/sonatype-work/nexus3/admin.password'' after entering the password, it's forced to be changed.cat /opt/sonatype/sonatype-work/nexus3/admin.password The installation of Nexus is now finished! ==== Setup Repository ==== === NuGet Proxy === To add a new NuGet (Chocolatey) repository proxy add a new ''nuget (proxy)''. To proxy the official Chocolatey repository add the following URL as URL: https://community.chocolatey.org/api/v2/ Finally save the proxy repository. === NuGet Hosted === If the repository should also host packages locally add a new ''nuget (hosted)''. This section will be extended later. === NuGet Group === To make the proxy-repository and all local hosted packages available through one URL, add a ''nuget-group'' on the repository tab. Then add both ''nuget-proxy'' and ''nuget-hosted'' to the group. === APT Repository (hosted) === - Firstly create a GPG-Key for signing the release file: - Therefore install ''gpg'' and generate a key with gpg --gen-key. Then export the key with to paste it under ''APT Settings'': gpg --export-secret-key --armor > Key.gpg - If your key is password-secured enter the passphrase in the field below. - Then add the name above e.g. ''apt'', and set the distribution e.g. to ''stable'' - It's then recommended to upload the public-release-key to a RAW storage to make it easy to download. Therefore export the public key with: gpg --armor --export > Key.gpg - Finally add the repo to APT: echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/your-repo.gpg] https:///repository/apt/ stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/.list - And add the key: curl -sS https:///repository/storage/ReleaseKey.gpg | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/.gpg > /dev/null - Finished! ----- //Sourced from:// * //[[https://github.com/sonatype-nexus-community/nexus-repository-installer|github.com/sonatype-nexus-community]]// * //[[https://www.howtoforge.com/how-to-install-nexus-repository-manager-on-ubuntu-22-04/|howtoforge.com - install Nexus3 on Ubuntu22]]// * //[[https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45867716/nexus-to-serve-up-chocolately-packages|stackoverflow.com - Nexus serve up chocolatey]]//