Welcome to the Public Wiki of Brecht-IT
We are very pleased that you have found your way through the internet jungle to our public wiki - a warm-hearted welcome!
Recent changes:
- Check Hardware-Raid state with Observium (LSI/Adaptec) [Check Hardware-Raid state with Observium (LSI/Adaptec)]
- Observium ↷ Page moved and renamed from monitoring:observium to monitoring:observium:start
- SWAP / Swappiness [Disable SWAP permanently]
- Official Raspberry Pi Touchscreen ↷ Page name changed from raspberry-pi:rotate-official-touchscreen to raspberry-pi:official-touchscreen
- Tool collection [Table]
- Raspberry Pi Commands created
- Set Static IP Address / Static route [Static route for LXC]
- Quickfixes [Fix NTFS file system]
- Information about this wiki can be found here: About this Wiki
- Authors pages and author statistics are located here: Authors
- Changelog is here: Changelog